Namespaces are defined with a prefix, delimited by a single: ( colon) character. 名称空间被定义为带有一个前缀,中间用一个:(冒号)分隔。
This human-readable file contains a list of addresses& one per line, each with a prefix character. 这个人们可以读取的文件中包含了一系列地址信息&每行一个地址,每行都有一个前缀字符。
If you prefix each line of replies or forwards with a character, the spelling checker cannot ignore the original message, and you cannot mark your comments. 如果您在答复邮件或转发邮件的每行前都添加了字符前缀,则拼写检查程序无法忽略邮件原件,您也无法标记批注。
The prefix must not contain a tab character. 前缀不能包含任何制表符。
In this paper, we shall introduce the notion of fuzzy code, fuzzy prefix code, and maximal prefix code, and discuss their algebraic character and algebraic properties. 在自由么半群上引进了模糊码、模糊前缀码和模糊极大前缀码等概念,并且讨论了它们的某些代数特征和代数性质。